Are you looking for a reliable San Diego transmission repair or rebuild dealer alternative? We’ve been in business for more than 25 years, and can help you decide if a repair or rebuild is best for you and your vehicle.
How do you know if your transmission needs to be checked? If your vehicle has a burning carpet smell, you see fluid leaks, or a warning light, call or stop by immediately. While there are numerous ways your transmission can signal trouble, these are the main ones.
Transmission Rebuild
The most important thing to remember about a rebuild is to make sure the transmission parts are replaced with NEW parts. You can ask the mechanic to show you the old parts they have replaced. The repair shop will dismantle and inspect the transmission thoroughly, rebuilding it and replacing worn parts with new. They will replace the transmission’s gaskets, seals, and bands and will then reassemble the unit.
San Diego Transmission Repair
When you bring your vehicle to Pacific Automotive, we will assess the condition of your transmission.
If it is not severely damaged, you may be able to do a transmission repair, which is less expensive. A repair means we don’t have to entirely take apart and reassemble the transmission. We will be able to advise you if this is a feasible option – if there is not severe damage, we can fix specific components, reseal and provide various modifications.
Pacific Automotive – San Diego Transmission Specialists
San Diego transmission repair and rebuild experts, Pacific Auto is your trusted local transmission repair and rebuilder. We’ve been keeping San Diego residents’ vehicles safe and serviced for more than 25 years.
Our work is guaranteed, and our ASE-certified technicians and master mechanics work with the latest diagnostic equipment.
Additionally, we’ve implemented precautions in accordance with guidelines from the WHO and Centers for CDC.